Blog about Cute Stuff

Posts Tagged ‘Cute

Here is what “Cute” Word mean:

Cuteness is a affectionate of affability frequently associated with adolescence and appearance, as able-bodied as a accurate abstraction and analytic archetypal in ethology, aboriginal alien by Konrad Lorenz. It is usually characterized by (though not bound to) some aggregate of infant-like concrete traits, abnormally baby physique admeasurement with a disproportionately ample head, ample eyes, a baby nose, dimples, and annular and softer physique features. Baby personality traits, such as playfulness, fragility, helplessness, curiosity, innocence, affectionate behavior and a charge to be accomplished are aswell about advised cute. Konrad Lorenz argued in 1949 that baby appearance triggered adorning responses in adults and that this was an evolutionary adjustment which helped ensure that adults cared for their children, ultimately accepting the adaptation of the species. As evidence, Lorenz acclaimed that bodies acknowledge added absolutely to animals that resemble infants—with big eyes, big heads, beneath noses, etc.—than to animals that do not.

Source : Wikipedia

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